Jacob's Portfolio

A showcase of my projects and abilities.

My name is
Jacob Birkeland

I am a passionate developer who loves learning and creating with technology.

Client Project
Creative Cook

Creative Cook serves as a means for users to research and create flavor combos derived from an initial main ingredient input followed by a recommended second and third ingredient to create a triforce of flavor combo yielding recipe results based on these pairings.
Users input/pick a main ingredient created from a list of ingredients provided by the Client. The app then gives recommendations for a second and third ingredient based on pairings pre-determined by the Client. The user selects their second and third pairings. Based on the combination of these 3 ingredients, the app generates recipes from an API using the 3 chosen ingredient options to complement the created triforce of flavor combination.
Users are able to create a profile. This profile will include the user's name, bio, pic, gender, family size, marital status. Once a user profile has been created the user will be able view metric status’ such as unique/new foods cooked with, progress of how many dishes have been created, and set goals/objectives of how many meals per week they want to create.
Admins have the ability to add and manage ingredients as well as their relationships. They can add a featured ingredient and/or recipe to the landing page. This featured ingredient/recipe can be changed anytime the admin chooses whether it be daily, weekly, monthly, ect.


Solo Project


This was my first full CRUD project. I created an app that allowed the user to customize a music festival line up and curate their own personalized schedule.
I am currently in the process of re-purposing this app to become a concert journal where the user can add notes, pictures, and track the date, time and venue shows have been seen.